Our Latest Great Place to Eat - An Bhialann

Wednesday 28 May 2014
There is something very enticing, honest and welcoming about the family run An Bhialann restaurant located on the Sandford Road end of Ranelagh’s main drag. In what has become virtually a restaurant village over run with tapas and tasting plates, fast food joints and bars, An Bhialann is a Steak and Seafood restaurant serving delicious traditional good food that we all love.
Located over two floors, downstairs has a service bar and a number of tables, whilst upstairs is a large buzzy room with plenty of atmosphere.
We visited on a cold midweek evening but it was clear all round us that people were enjoying the food and service. Indeed, four people at a neighbouring table were going the full hog with lobster, which was given the full treatment by being brought from tank to table before being dispatched and hatched upstairs, reappearing on a large platter for approval, disappearing yet again to have the claws cracked and.......
READ ALL ABOUT AN BHIALANN ON index.cfm/page/viewRestaurant/id/322