Our Latest Great Place To Eat - Pizza E Porchetta

Friday 16 May 2014
So the eponymous pizza and porchetta are the thing here but let me tell you, the pasta is pretty damn good too. Porchetta is a traditional Italian favourite of succulent lean moist pork, boned and stuffed with garlic and herbs, and spit roasted over wood. Great either hot or cold, served with vegetables, salads or pasta, or packed into panino for picnics and daily ‘fast food’, it is very often a festive dish of the suckling pig variety. Many Italian families and butchers have their own secret recipes for spicing and stuffing the pork, be it with rosemary, garlic, sage, fennel, other herbs or all together, but one way or another it is always lean, tasty, moist, smoky and delicious. At P e P, the evening of our visit, it was served with applesauce and roast potatoes but it also appears on the menu on pizzas or as meatballs and in other forms.
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