Our Latest Great Place to Eat - Cava Bodega

Monday 10 February 2014
I remember my first visit to the Balearic Islands when I was about 20 and being blown away by the sights and sounds of another way of life.
Spain held the same attraction for academic Jp McMahon, who lectures in Art History in UCC and who trained originally in French and Italian cuisine, and his theatrical wife Drigin Gaffey who holds a Masters in Theatre and Drama. They loved the country and its food so much that they came back and opened their own hugely successful Spanish restaurant and tapas bar called 'Cava' in Galway – their own mini Spanish Armada to the City of the Tribes as it were with its Spanish Arch marking the first invasion! Last year they relocated and opened Cava Bodega - doing tapas and wine - but what tapas, what wine!
There are many tapas bars in Ireland now, but many too are just a nod as it were to the Iberian peninsula, but, at Cava Bodega they go into the finer detail of Spanish food and wines showcasing some 50 or so tapas and 140 Spanish wines, many exclusive to them. Nowhere else in Ireland will you also get such a selection of Spanish cheese, Pinchos, cured meets or sherries, and the pairings they suggest are fantastic.
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