Our Latest Great Place to Eat - Brasserie One at 1 Pery Square

Thursday 31 March 2011
Take one great Georgian Quarter, a great Georgian House, a lady with a great eye for style, detail and elegance, and you have No. 1 Pery Square, undoubtedly one of the coolest destinations in the country. Patricia Roberts recognised the potential of this magnificent Georgian house, sitting on a fine corner, of the finest Georgian Square in the City, oozing evocative thoughts of the gentry in their elegant gowns and carriages – they certainly knew how to live – and have left a great heritage. Patricia restored and enhanced this fine building turning it into a glorious townhouse hotel, with meticulous attention to detail that displayed a love and respect for this house rather than it just being a job, and thus gave the people of Limerick a new national treasure.READ ALL ABOUT BRASSERIE ONE ON THE RESTAURANT SIDE OF MY WEBSITE.