Restaurant Review - Harbour House

Wednesday 29 June 2022
A lot of the time, going to a new restaurant is a bit like buying a pig in a poke, as the old expression goes. But that’s the job of the critic — to test the restaurant or hotel on behalf of the reader, without fear or favour, so you can decide whether you want try it or not. You don’t tweet them in advance, as is the habit of many social media bods, blithely letting them know of their impending arrival in hope of a complimentary meal or stay.
Reviews on that basis aren’t worth the time it takes to read them. Often, as a critic, it goes the other way too, as I’m regularly inundated with press releases for new restaurants that gush about the chef, the ‘amazing’ food, and offer lavish descriptions of everything from the colour of the wallpaper to the heritage of the knives and forks. Unfortunately, PRs can get carried away with enthusiasm for their clients.
First Published In The Sunday Independent