Restaurant Review - Lighthouse Terrace

Wednesday 29 September 2021
Indian summer is my favourite time of year to travel. By September and October, hotels are at their best — the frenetic demands of high summer are over, the wheels of the operation are well oiled, and they’re always delighted to see guests extending their season.
It’s normally a time, too, for flocking to food festivals, kicking off with the Dingle Food Festival in the first weekend in October, followed by the Kinsale Gourmet Festival and moving on to Savour Kilkenny over the October bank holiday weekend.
Although these festivals are on hold this year, for obvious reasons, I still plan on following my routine, visiting these towns (and city!) to enjoy the restaurants and atmospheres of each destination. There may not be a formalised programme of events but restaurants will be extra glad to see visitors and may have special little nods to festival time.
First Published In The Sunday Independent