Restaurant Review - Kwanghi Chan’s BBQ Meal Kit

Friday 04 June 2021
It seems the hills are alive with the sound of music, picnics and badly parked cars, while wave after wave of charred-meat smoke drifts downwind with a vengeance through suburban gardens. However, as long as they keep the music in the hills and their barbecues at home, we should get through this summer without having any midsummer murders or gorse-fire infernos.
Much like the new fully fitted Prada picnic backpack at €2,100, of which I told you last week, it is not enough nowadays to have a battered old barbecue and wobbly parasol out the back. Another must-have for the pandemic summer’s des-res back garden is an outdoor kitchen.
Options range from the relatively modestly priced free-standing Ikea stainless-steel Grillskär Outdoor Kitchen, from €683, for which there’s been enormous demand, to purpose-built landscaped designer terraces and enclaves with retractable roofs, built-in sofas, enormous Mexican-style Mission fireplaces, outdoor rugs, exquisite lighting and flooring. They can come with fridges and coolers for food and drinks, a wood-fired pizza oven, a bar and counter, a large refectory table, and, of course, the de rigueur Big Green Egg or, failing that, a black Japanese egg-shaped Kamado grill. Oh yes, and a summer house to which mum can retreat!
First Published In The Sunday Independent